Sunday, February 17, 2008

Sit-spot and getting to know your enviroment

Something that I'm beginning to learn is that it is a good thing to know these skills, but they can seem arbitrary and disconnected when not applied. Especially so because the materials use to make many of the things I talk about on my blog rely heavily on what your particular environment provides, and so an understanding and knowledge of your environment is desirable if you want these skills to be more than just a passing hobby or interest. When it comes to making bow drill sets, for example, you will want to know what trees in your area work best. You'll also want to know where they grow, how they grow, what animals rely on them, etc. The point I'm trying to make is all these skills and technologies stem from a deep understanding of the natural world that surrounds you.

The best way I have found to increase your awareness and knowledge of an area is Sit-Spot. This technique is done by simply finding somewhere within 5 minutes (preferably) of where you live. The reason for 5 minutes is that you should be able to go there easily so you can visit it daily.
Now if you want to implement this technique and benefit from it, it should be a daily, or at the very least a routine task, and you will want to do this at varying times of day and weather.

Now onto what sit-spot is. You find a place that is close by, and you sit. Thats right, sounds simple, but you'd be surprised how difficult it can be to just sit and take in your surroundings sometimes. You should strive for atleast a 20 minutes minimum at your sit spot, because it generally takes about 20 minutes from bird alarm calls to stop. You will also want to use wide angle vision at this time, if you are familiar with wide angle vision.
To supplement your sit-spot experience it might also be advantageous to keep a journal and write down things you see or notice. When I do sit spot one of the first things I do is take note of the surrounding trees and plants, and try to get to know them and what they are over time. Sit-spot isn't something you rush, and it is an ongoing thing. The longer you do it, the more you begin to know and understand your area.


Jrad said...

that is very well explained Owen. i like the idea terribly so, I wish I lived closer to the edge of town. not that it would make a difference...hell i wish there wasn't a town. that would make a difference.

Your writing at the top half of that post has a wonderful cadence to it. You must have been recently In Touch(tm) with weren't sit spotting were you? =) I'd go to greenland with you and Elliot...btw it's funny how similar Elliot is to Ellicott. I noticed that the other day. i have to run back to work owen ttfn

Jrad said...

i left some lolcats on my site. i luv teh itteh bitteh kitteh comitteeh! said...

Hey man, interesting blog. I have a hide tanning post come up on my blog tomorrow. Keep up the primitive skills, bro.

- Ranger Man